Sunday, July 5, 2015

Hard Lesson

Tonight, I got a glimpse of how ugly and depraved this place can be.

Scary part is... I think a part of me kind of liked it.

I should've known something was up when I walked by the pawn shop and there was a big commotion going on. There were cops all over the outside of the building and a woman with a pipe wrench in her hand, who was threatening to bash in people's skulls. I guess it was a hostage situation, but I'm not really sure.

I continued on looking to find a job, stopping at a local business with a help wanted sign in the front window (the name of the place escapes me). I was jotting down the number in my phone, when the man spoke up from the shadows.

"What are you looking for, miss?" he said. I could tell he was going to be trouble. He had on a vest with no shirt, jeans, and a cigarette dangling from his lips.

I replied job hunting and I asked what he was out doing. He chuckled and his scared face broke out into a grin.

"Just out doing what predators do," he replied.

Part of me wanted to run away screaming. But... oddly, part of me wanted to stay... A byproduct of my past, no doubt. Something I don't know if I'll ever get away from completely.

I smiled and asked what it was he was hunting.

He replied, "Redheads, evidently."

I tried to remain calm; my heart was racing and my nerves were going. I asked him his name.

"Do you really want to know my name, baby?" he replied.

I said that I did... And that's when he grabbed me.

Not hard, but he backed me up against the stone wall of the building, his hand caressing my face. I tried to get him to talk to me again, trying not to escalate the situation, all the while inching my leg up so I could grab the switchblade out of my boot should I need it.

He was having none of it though. He grabbed my leg and snarled at me, his breath reeking of cigarettes. He grabbed my neck, forcefully, pushing me hard against the wall, the stone digging into my back.

I slapped him in the face.

"Ummm... foreplay," he sneered, with a grin.

That's when he started to choke me.

I struggled and fought back, but he was just too strong. All I could muster was a few weak punches, which didn't faze him at all. I tried to scream, but he was choking me so hard that all I could do was get out a few gasps. Then the lightheadedness started to come over me and I felt my body going numb. My vision started to blur and dim.

I was going to die.

Then... I woke up. I was lying on the ground when I came to. There was no sign of the man, but a woman was standing near me. I was pretty shaken up and she comforted me the best she could.

She said she saw the man standing over me, then he just walked away. I told her she must've scared him off. She didn't want to believe that, but I'm sure she had something to do with it. Her name was Alex. She's probably the reason I'm still alive.

I cried on the way back to Archer's and even harder once I got there (on a side note, I still haven't seen him in a few days. I hope he's okay).

I took a long shower and laid in bed for a long time before falling asleep. And, oddly, I slept well.

Even more oddly... I masturbated once I woke up.

While thinking about the man's hand clenched around my throat...

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